ACM PDEU Website
A full stack website with backend embedded in the frontend for quick and easy access built with Next.js 13, SanityCMS v3, TypeScript and TailwindCSS.
Finished: May 22, 2023
Full Stack Project
I was the team member of ACM PDEU Student Chapter's website development team and was assigned to design and develop the web application for the same when the chapter was realized.Design
I made a raw mock-up of the entire web application which would serve as guiding light towards the development of the website. You can check the design using the link in Figma.Features
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Sanity Backend in front-end only
- Next.js 13 Incremental Server Regeneration
- Authentication using NextAuth.js
- Blog entirely managed by SanityCMS and comments made in blogs need to be approved by the admin (who can access Sanity Backend), and then after approval, it takes 24 hours to reflect the comments back to the original site due to ISR
Tech Stack
Client: Next.js 13, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, NextAuth.jsServer: Next.js 13 Server Components, Sanity CMS v3
Other: React hot toast, EmailJS, NextAuth.js, React Typewriter effect, Framer Motion